Kikeh External Turret

Dec 2005 - Mar 2007

Client : Single Bouy Mooring (SBM)

Location : MMHE Yard


Converted from a very large crude carrier, the Kikeh FPSO is the biggest vessel of this type to be built in Malaysia and has

the largest external turret ever built for any FPSO worldwide, MMHE says. The vessel has 2 MMbbl storage capacity and

will be able to process 120,000 b/d of oil, with an offloading rate of 37,500 bbl/hr. The FPSO will be moored on the Kikeh

field in 1,320 m (4,331 ft) water depth 120 km (75 mi) northwest of Labuan Island. Kikeh is Malaysia ’s first deepwater

discovery and the first field outside the Gulf of Mexico to be produced using a spar.

The vessel is owned and operated by Malaysian Deepwater Terminal Ltd., a joint venture between MISC and Single Buoy Moorings. Kikeh will be leased to Murphy Sabah Oil Co. Ltd. for an initial period of eight years with options for

five-three year follow-on extensions.












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